Language and identity are two expressions that need to be explained. English is the official language in several countries, Chinese is the language spoken by Chinese people and Danish is how Danes speak. But languages could also be described as different ways of talking due to social background, education, profession,age and sex. A person´s language is connected to his social situation. Eliza, the cockney flower girl from the gutter does not speak the same language as professor HiIggins, even if English is their common mother tongue. They speak differently because they belong to different social worlds. Identity can signify the very special characters of a person, something that makes him differ from others.
There is a link between language and identity. But language studies that are concertrated on pure linguistic training of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation bring only about external progresses. If they are completed with literature they are likely to attain a higher level. Language skills are important, but they are nothing but tools. To be used in a fertile way that produces interior changes of character and personality, they need to be completed with a knowledge of literature.
( Russell, 1997)
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